Celebrities’ Regrettable Tattoos & Their Stories

Tattoos can be a permanent reminder of a person’s life choices, and even celebrities are not immune to tattoo regret. Many famous individuals have spoken out about their regrets regarding certain tattoos they have gotten. Let’s explore some of the stories behind tattoos that celebrities wish they could forget.

Key Takeaways:

  • Some celebrities regret their tattoos and have chosen to cover them up or have them removed.
  • Tattoo regret is not uncommon, even among famous individuals.
  • Celebrities like Megan Fox, Olivia Wilde, and Penn Badgley have shared their stories of tattoo regret.
  • Despite their regrets, some celebrities choose to keep their tattoos as a reminder of their past.
  • Tattoos can be a form of self-expression but should be carefully considered to avoid future regrets.

Megan Fox’s Ex-Husband Tribute Tattoo

Megan Fox, the renowned Hollywood actress, captured headlines with her intricate tattoo on her pelvis. The tattoo was a tribute to her ex-husband, Brian Austin Green. However, after their split, Fox made the decision to transform the tattoo into a new design, symbolizing her personal growth and evolution.

In place of the original tribute tattoo, Fox opted for a stunning design incorporating serpentine and floral elements. This transformation not only covered up the past but also represented a fresh start for the iconic actress. Fox’s decision highlighted the cathartic power that tattoos can have in guiding individuals through life’s changes.

Tattoo Before Split Transformed Design
Sentimental tribute to ex-husband Incorporates serpentine and floral motif
Symbolized their connection Represents personal growth and renewal

Olivia Wilde’s Dragon “Ass Stamp”

Olivia Wilde, known for her talent as an actress and director, also has a story to tell about her regrettable tattoo. At the tender age of 13, Wilde made the decision to get a dragon tattoo on her right butt cheek. Little did she know that this seemingly harmless act of teenage rebellion would later become a source of regret.

As time went on, Wilde began referring to her dragon tattoo as an “ass stamp,” showcasing her dissatisfaction with the impulsive decision she made as a teenager. Despite her regrets, however, she has chosen not to remove or cover up the tattoo. In fact, she took to social media to celebrate her “ass stamp” in a post that embraced her quirky sense of humor.

“I may regret this tattoo, but I refuse to let regret define me. Embracing my past choices, even the questionable ones, is a part of my journey. Plus, it makes a great conversation starter!”

Olivia Wilde’s dragon “ass stamp” serves as a reminder that tattoos can hold different meanings for each individual. While some may cringe at their inked mistakes, others find value in embracing their past choices, no matter how regrettable they may seem.

dragon tattoo on Olivia Wilde's right butt cheek

Whether you’re a fan of tattoos or not, it’s important to remember that they are personal expressions of identity, and what might be regrettable to one person can hold cherished memories for another.

Acknowledging our past choices, even the regrettable ones, helps shape who we are today and allows us to find humor and wisdom in the quirks of our journey through life.

Penn Badgley’s DNA Typo Tattoo

When Penn Badgley decided to get a tattoo to commemorate his 40th birthday, he wanted something meaningful and personal. He chose to ink his maternal haplogroup, a genetic marker that traces his ancestry, on his arm. Little did he know that a small typo would make the tattoo even more memorable.

The tattoo was supposed to represent his haplogroup, which is determined by specific DNA markers. However, during the tattooing process, a typo occurred, resulting in a slightly altered representation of his DNA. Instead of letting this mistake define his tattoo, Penn decided to embrace it as a unique part of his story.

Despite the typo, Penn chose to keep the tattoo, considering it a reminder of the imperfections and unpredictability of life. He believes that even the mistakes we make can contribute to our individual journeys.

Penn Badgley DNA Typo Tattoo

“Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and my tattoo is a reflection of that. It’s a constant reminder to embrace our flaws and find beauty in the unexpected.” – Penn Badgley

While some may view a tattoo typo as a regrettable mishap, Penn Badgley sees it as a symbol of resilience and acceptance. This unique tattoo stands as a testament to his willingness to embrace life’s surprises, even when they are permanently inked on his skin.

Hailey Bieber’s Handgun Tattoo

Hailey Bieber, formerly Hailey Baldwin, made headlines when she got a handgun tattoo on her middle finger at the age of 18. The tattoo, placed prominently on one of her most visible digits, sparked a lot of attention and debate.

However, in recent years, Hailey Bieber has expressed regret over her decision to get the handgun tattoo. She has openly shared her change in perspective on guns, emphasizing the importance of responsible gun ownership and stricter firearm regulations.

Despite her regret, Hailey Bieber has chosen to keep the tattoo. It serves as a reminder of personal growth and the evolution of her beliefs. While the controversial tattoo might have been a source of controversy at first, Hailey is now using it as an opportunity to promote important discussions surrounding gun control and responsible gun ownership.

With her influence and platform, Hailey Bieber continues to raise awareness and encourage dialogue on important social issues.

Hailey Bieber Handgun Tattoo

Celebrity Tattoo Regret
Hailey Bieber Handgun on middle finger Yes

Eva Longoria’s Regrettable Cross Tattoo

Eva Longoria, known for her iconic role in the hit TV series “Desperate Housewives,” once made a decision that she would later come to regret. Encouraged by a friend, she got a cross tattoo on her lower back, believing it would be a meaningful symbol. However, as time went on, Longoria began to question her choice and realized that the tattoo no longer held the significance she had initially attributed to it.

Realizing her regret, Longoria made the decision to have the cross tattoo removed. This was a significant step for the actress, as tattoo removal procedures can be painful and time-consuming. Nevertheless, Longoria was determined to erase the reminder of a decision she no longer wished to carry with her.

“I believe it’s important to make choices that reflect who we are at each stage of our lives,” Longoria reflected. “The cross tattoo no longer aligned with the person I had become, and I wanted to move forward without its presence.”

Longoria’s decision to remove the tattoo highlights the fact that even celebrities can experience tattoo regret. Whether it’s a symbol that no longer resonates or a design that holds negative connotations, it’s reassuring to know that individuals have the power to make a change and move past regrettable tattoos.

Eva Longoria cross tattoo

Regretted Tattoo Reason for Regret
Cross tattoo on lower back No longer aligned with Longoria’s personal beliefs and values

Mark Wahlberg’s Tattoo Removal

Mark Wahlberg, known for his roles in films like “Boogie Nights” and “Ted,” has had his fair share of regretful tattoos. Among his extensive collection of ink, two stood out as tattoos he later wished to remove.

One of Mark Wahlberg’s regretful tattoos was a portrait of Bob Marley, the legendary musician and cultural icon. Initially, Wahlberg was a fan of Marley and wanted to pay tribute to him. However, over time, he realized that the tattoo no longer held the same significance for him.

Additionally, Wahlberg had his initials, “MW,” tattooed on his shoulder. While it may seem like a simple and personal choice, Wahlberg decided to remove this tattoo as well. As he took on more acting roles, he found himself spending hours in the makeup chair to cover up the tattoo for each production. Wahlberg’s decision to remove the tattoo aimed to create a better professional environment for himself and save time on set.

Mark Wahlberg Tattoo Removal

Mark Wahlberg’s choice to undergo tattoo removal demonstrates his desire to move past regretful tattoos and create a more streamlined lifestyle. By removing tattoos that no longer resonated with him, Wahlberg made a conscious effort to prioritize his family and his career.

Tallulah Willis’ Impulsive Tattoo

When it comes to impulsive decisions, Tallulah Willis, the daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis, is no stranger. In her younger years, she made a spontaneous choice to get a tattoo on her left arm. However, as time went on, Tallulah started to question her decision and realized that she didn’t fully understand the permanence of tattoos.

Recognizing her regret, Tallulah made the brave decision to undergo the tattoo removal process. She wanted to leave behind a symbol of her impulsive youth and embrace a fresh start. Through this experience, Tallulah learned the importance of carefully considering permanent body art and the impact it can have on one’s future.

It’s essential to keep in mind that tattoos are not something to be taken lightly. What may seem like a great idea at the moment can later become a source of regret. Tallulah Willis serves as a reminder that it’s crucial to think long and hard before making a decision that will last a lifetime.

Pros Cons
  • Tallulah’s decision to remove her impulsive tattoo shows maturity and growth.
  • She serves as an example for others who may be experiencing tattoo regret.
  • The removal process allows her to start anew and embrace a different chapter in her life.
  • The tattoo removal process can be painful and time-consuming.
  • There may be scarring or other physical reminders of the original tattoo.
  • Tattoo removal can be expensive and may require multiple sessions.

While Tallulah Willis’ impulsive tattoo may have been a lesson learned, it serves as an important reminder to think before you ink. Tattoos can be beautiful forms of self-expression, but they should be approached with careful consideration. Taking the time to reflect on the long-term implications can prevent future regrets and the need for tattoo removal.

Tallulah Willis' Impulsive Tattoo

Sarah Hyland’s Dinosaur Tattoo

Sarah Hyland, known for her role in the hit TV show “Modern Family,” once sported a dinosaur tattoo on her butt that she got with her best friend. However, as time went on, Sarah’s priorities and perspectives changed, leading her to reconsider the inked dinosaur on her body.

To acknowledge her shift in mindset, Sarah made the decision to undergo tattoo removal and documented the process on social media. By openly sharing her journey, she aimed to inspire others who might be facing similar tattoo regrets.

Sarah Hyland's dinosaur tattoo removal

Tattoo Removal Steps Description
Consultation Sarah met with a professional tattoo removal specialist to discuss the process and determine the best approach for her specific tattoo.
Treatment Sessions Over a series of sessions, Sarah underwent laser tattoo removal to gradually fade the dinosaur tattoo. Each session involved targeting the ink with laser technology to break it down and enable the body’s natural elimination process.
Healing and Aftercare After each treatment, Sarah followed specific aftercare instructions provided by the tattoo removal specialist to promote healing and minimize potential side effects.
Results Through dedication and patience, Sarah experienced the fading of her dinosaur tattoo over time. Although the removal process varies for each individual, she achieved the outcome she desired.

By reflecting on her dinosaur tattoo and taking action to have it removed, Sarah Hyland demonstrated that it’s never too late to reevaluate our choices and make positive changes in our lives.

Nicole Richie’s Tattoo Regrets

Nicole Richie, known for her fashion sense and eclectic style, hasn’t been immune to tattoo regrets. The socialite and reality TV star has expressed remorse for a few of her inked choices, including a bow tramp stamp on her lower back and a flower tattoo on her neck.

Richie’s lower back tattoo, often referred to as a tramp stamp, features a feminine bow design. While it might have been trendy at the time, Richie has since acknowledged her regret for this particular tattoo.

Additionally, Richie has expressed disappointment in her flower tattoo located on her neck. Although flowers often symbolize beauty and femininity, it appears that Richie, in hindsight, feels differently about this particular floral design.

Recognizing her tattoo regrets, Richie has made attempts to have the undesired tattoos removed. However, the success in removing these tattoos has been limited, leaving her with a permanent reminder of her past choices.

In the realm of tattoo regret, Nicole Richie’s tramp stamp and flower tattoo stand as reminders that even celebrities can have their fair share of tattoo missteps.

Jessie J’s Misspelled Lyrics Tattoo

When it comes to regretful tattoos, even famous celebrities like Jessie J are not exempt. The British singer-songwriter made headlines when she decided to get lyrics from her own song tattooed on her hip. However, there was a major hiccup – she misspelled a key word in the tattoo. Despite the mistake, Jessie J has chosen to keep the tattoo and embraces it as a part of her identity.

Tattoos are often seen as personal expressions of oneself, and Jessie J’s misspelled tattoo is a testament to that. Rather than viewing it as an error, she has turned it into a meaningful reminder of her imperfections and the journey she’s been on.

This misspelled tattoo serves as a unique symbol for Jessie J, showcasing her resilience and ability to find beauty in even the most unexpected places. It serves as a reminder that mistakes can be embraced and transformed into something meaningful. Jessie J’s choice to keep the tattoo has inspired many to see their own perceived flaws in a new light.


Which celebrities have regrettable tattoos?

Megan Fox, Olivia Wilde, Penn Badgley, Hailey Bieber, Eva Longoria, Mark Wahlberg, Tallulah Willis, Sarah Hyland, Nicole Richie, and Jessie J are some of the celebrities who have expressed regret over certain tattoos.

What was the tattoo Megan Fox had in tribute to her ex-husband?

Megan Fox had a tattoo on her pelvis that paid tribute to her ex-husband Brian Austin Green. She later covered it up with a serpentine and floral motif design.

What is Olivia Wilde’s regrettable tattoo?

Olivia Wilde got a dragon tattoo on her right butt cheek when she was young. She now refers to it as an “ass stamp” but has chosen to keep the tattoo despite her regret.

What mistake did Penn Badgley make in his tattoo?

Penn Badgley wanted a meaningful tattoo for his 40th birthday and inked his maternal haplogroup on his arm. However, he later realized there was a typo in the tattoo, but he decided to keep it and considers it a good story.

Which tattoo does Hailey Bieber regret?

Hailey Bieber regrets the handgun tattoo on her middle finger that she got when she was 18. However, she chose to keep the tattoo despite her regret and changed perspective on guns.

What tattoo did Eva Longoria regret and remove?

Eva Longoria got a cross tattoo on her lower back encouraged by a friend, but she later regretted the decision and had the tattoo removed.

What tattoos did Mark Wahlberg regret and remove?

Mark Wahlberg regretted several tattoos, including a portrait of Bob Marley and his initials. He underwent tattoo removal to create a better environment for his kids and avoid spending hours in the makeup chair on set.

Why did Tallulah Willis decide to remove her tattoo?

Tallulah Willis got a tattoo on her left arm when she was young and impulsive. However, she later decided to undergo the tattoo removal process because she didn’t fully understand the permanence of tattoos at the time.

Why did Sarah Hyland decide to have her dinosaur tattoo removed?

Sarah Hyland got a dinosaur tattoo on her butt with her best friend, but later she decided to have it removed. She acknowledged that her priorities and perspectives had changed.

What tattoos does Nicole Richie regret?

Nicole Richie has expressed regret for certain tattoos, including a bow tramp stamp on her lower back and a flower tattoo on her neck. She has attempted to have these tattoos removed but has had limited success.

What mistake did Jessie J make in her tattoo?

Jessie J got lyrics from her own song tattooed on her hip but misspelled a key word. Despite the mistake, she has chosen to keep the tattoo and embraces it as part of her identity.

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